Accept Donations

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We Make Giving Simple

Easily enter a description on your Donations Page to promote your cause and give specific reasons to persuade your friends and family to help you raise funds and achieve your fundraising goals. You can create minimum and maximum donation amounts, or set your own donation increment levels (ex: $25, $50, $75, $100).

Accept Donations Online Accept Donations Online

Safe & Secure Transactions

All transactions are secure, and donors do not have to create a PayPal account, or sign up for any account. All personal information is completely safe because data is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL). follows strict industry standards to protect all personal information.

Track Donations in Real-Time

You can view the total funds raised and each of your requested payout transactions in your Control Panel and download them into Excel at any time.

Donors Remain on Your Site

Donors remain on your website when they make a donation. They do not have to become a member of the website nor do they have to sign up for newsletters or other marketing-related information.

Donors Can Send Well-Wishes

Every time a friend or family member makes a donation, they can send you a message to be displayed on your Donations Page. You will be notified in your Control Panel of messages to approve so they can be displayed.

Password Protection

You can Password Protect your Donation Set Up Page in your Control Panel. This is helpful if more than one person has access to your Control Panel and you do not want to share this secure information.

Choose How You Get Paid

We pay you immediately upon request by direct deposit, check or wire transfer. Funds are paid in US or Canadian dollars. You choose how you would like to be paid:

Direct Deposit/ACH Transfer
It can take 5 to 7 business days for the funds to be transferred from the time of your request. The cost to do a direct deposit (ACH transfer) to the bank account of your choice is $2.50.

It can take up to 10 business days to receive payment from the time of your request. The cost to send you a paper check is $2.50.

Wire Transfer
It takes 2 business days to transfer the funds. The cost is $30 to wire transfer a payment from your account to your bank account.

Affordable Fees

We charge a % credit card processing fee and a $ transaction fee. The fees cover:

  • Credit card company processing and transaction fees.
  • Exceptional Customer Support for you and your donors.
  • Secure maintenance, back up and redundancy of your reports.

Donation Fee Example
Donation Amount $
Minus Processing Fee Charge $ (% of $)
Minus Transaction Fee $
Net Donation Amount $

Raise more with "Fees Paid By Donor"

With this feature, you offer donors the choice to pay the credit card processing and transaction fees for you. For example on a $100 donation if the donor elects to pay the fees you will receive the whole donation ($100) because the donor paid the fees on top of the donation.

Terms and Conditions

Please keep in mind that if you are accepting donations there is a 2 week hold on donations before payouts. You can only accept payment if your event is located in USA or Canada.

6 Reasons To Raise Funds Through Your Business Website

1. Be A Good Corporate Citizen

Businesses need to make money, but it is also important to be a good corporate citizen and raise funds for local programs or your favorite charity. Rally friends, family, employees, partners and suppliers around your cause and give reasons on your website as to why they should donate.

2. Enjoy Corporate Social Responsibility

Use your website to shine a light on the importance of developing strong ties to the community and to highlight the importance of giving back. Become a leader in your community and galvanize your employees and clients to follow your example.

3. Reach Your Goal Faster

Most people find it easier to donate online, where they can read information about your cause, and then quickly pay with a credit card. Most people find this easier than writing a check, buying stamps and then mailing it in.

4. Collect Donations Easier

You can choose to receive payments (payouts) from whenever you want. You can select your own payout threshold and we will pay you each time you reach this amount. You will never have to chase donors for payment from checks or credit payments that didn't go through.

5. Promote Your Cause Online

When you promote your event or cause online using MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or the online edition of your local newspaper, you can include a link to your website. In your message, you should mention that people can safely and easily donate online via your website.

6. Toll Free Help has Toll Free Customer Support, 7 Days a Week, so if for any reason any of your donors are having trouble completing their transaction we are there to help.

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